
Antibullying Cultural în Diaspora şi Rural

Seeking Information, Shy Questions, Loud Voices, Free Expression, Lived Stories, Overheard Happenings, New Connections and Creative Challenges. These are only a few "abouts" of the newest project of the Asociația Lume Bună - Cultural Antibullying in Diaspora and Rural Areas.

The month of March already marks a 5-year tradition in our team. We are launching a new project with a lot of enthusiasm and fresh energy. This year we will tell you more about the Cultural Antibullying project in the diaspora and rural areas, carried out between March and October 2022. The purpose of the project is to promote inclusion, diversity, tolerance and combating the phenomenon of bullying among over 120 children from rural areas and the diaspora (Ireland and Spain).

The project in images

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With your donation, together with other people with beautiful souls, you contribute to a better world. From somewhere in a village, a child sends you a smile and a hug. Because you just raised the chances to an education for this kid.

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Donation Total: 100,00 RON