
How to get involved

With your donation you contribute, together with other beautiful people, to building a better world. From somewhere, in a village, a child sends you a smile and a hug. You may choose any of the following ways to increase the education chances of the kids:

  • donate online
  • redirect 3,5%
  • donate through GalantOm
  • donate via wire transfer 
  • become a volunteer


Donate for Lume Bună NGO and invest in a better future for us all! Any amount counts, even if it is just 10 RON (the price of a box of colored pencils). Education is the safest road on which society may evolve.

Lume Buna is about consolidation through involvement, we wish to reduce school dropout, illiterates and develop emotional intelligence.

You’re just a click away to motivate a child to stay in school.

Card donation is made by accessing one of the 3 causes below, it takes 3 minutes and it has a long term impact in education.

The wire transfer donation is made in the Lume Bună NGO account, CUI 25261770, IBAN : RO88RZBR0000060014449093, Raiffeisen Bank.

Personal Info

Donation Total: 100,00 RON


You can financially support education and our projects without any cost from your side!

At the beginning of every year, until May( you can fill in the 230 form to redirect 3,5% of your previous year’s tax (owed to the state) to an NGO which you want to support (according to the law 571/2003).

Please click on “Donate 3,5%” below. The 230 form to redirect 3,5% will open up in pdf. In just 3 minutes you can fill in your details (just the upper section - personal data) and sign it (lowers side of the form), then .you can take it to ANAF or send it scanned to us at: and we will take care of it for you.

Persoanele care realizeaza venituri impozabile: salarii si asimilate salariilor, pensii (peste 2000 lei), activitati independente, sportive, drepturi de proprietate intelectuala sau din cedarea folosintei bunurilor (de exemplu, chirii) si cei care au obligatia depunerii declaratiei unice 212, care se depune pana la data de 25 mai 2022, inclusiv.

Da, poti face asta prin declaratia unica 212, la rubrica de 3.5%. PFA-urile pot face atat sponsorizari, cat si redirectionare in acelasi an fiscal!

Poti trimite deja deoarece suntem in perioada de completare si trimitere a formularului 230.  Doar pana pe 25 mai​ 2022 se pot depune la Administratia Financiara.

Este nevoie sa completezi sectiunea I care contine datele tale de identificare si sa semnezi la Semnatura contribuabilului.

Te sfatuim sa completezi si campul de e-mail si/sau telefon, in cazul in care ANAF are nevoie sa ia legatura cu tine. Gata!

Vei vedea ca datele Asociatiei Lume Buna sunt deja completate.

Administratia Financiara de care apartii este cea din localitatea de domiciliu trecuta in cartea de identitate. Iata aici o lista cu adresele administratiilor financiare.

Pentru a cauta usor apasa Ctrl+F si cauta dupa numele orasului sau comunei (nu al satului) in care ai domiciliul din buletin. Pot exista mai multe localitati cu acelasi nume, in judete diferite. Apasa pe sagetile din dreptul campului de cautare pentru a fi sigur ca gasesti localitatea din judetul tau.

Nu. Nu este nevoie sa atasezi Fisa Fiscala, iar suma redirectionata va fi calculata si completata de catre inspectorul fiscal.

Nu. Este alegerea ta despre cum se pot folosi o parte din banii pe care i-ai virat deja statului, ca impozit pe veniturile obtinute in 2021. In cazul in care nu alegi sa sustii o cauza anume, intreaga suma va ramane la bugetul de stat.

Din 2021 toate organizatiile nonprofit pot primi pana la 3,5% din impozitul pe venit.
Inregistrarea ASOCIATIEI “LUME BUNA” poate fi verificata accesand acest link si introducand codul fiscal 25261770 .

Nu, nu este obligatoriu. Dupa completare si semnare il poti retrimite la noi folosind adresa de e-mail: si ne ocupam noi pentru depunerea lui la Administratia Financiara.

Donate through

Your Birthday is coming, how about adding ontogether the wish list “a better world through Education”? Ask your relatives and friends, instead of buying you a gift, to donate some money to Lume Buna NGO on your behalf, help make a step together, towards a “better world through Education”.

You can “Give your birthday” through GalantomIt is a platform that brings good people together: fundraisers, donors and non-profit organizations.

Enter here

1. Choose the project you want to support.
2. Complete a short form to customize your Galantom page.
3. Then we will activate the page (it may take a day).
After the page is activated, send the link to friends, relatives, neighbors, anyone you think would like to make a change for the better for education in Romania.

You can also donate here:

If you need any help with the process, don’t hesitate to contact us at

Become a

I choose to become a VOLUNTEER!

The time dedicated to an idea is a tremendous investment. In NGOs, where the impact of a project is measured in the dedication and involvement of the team, the presence of volunteers is essential. If you can dedicate a part of your time and you believe in every child’s potential, we’d like to meet you and develop projects together. We organize workshops and trainings periodically for our volunteers under various themes, based on their interests. If you want to be a Brave Volunteerplease contact us for more details.